Saturday, January 31, 2009


Wow so much has happened and I have not been able to share much of it because of the hindrance of not having the internet! I have officially been living in Mainz, Germany for 3 1/2 weeks and feel at home. I think when you are still in college it is a lot easier to move around and not feel like your whole life is being disrupted because that is basically what you are doing a couple times every year.  There are some pictures on my site of my room that I have right now (I just found out I have to move in 2 months, but God is too good to me and I have already found another room!). I have met a lot of people here and am still in the "getting to know everyone" phase, which is really fun. Look at the pictures I've taken so far, they are of the area in Mainz and around Mainz, ooooo so pretty! I officially have been at my internship for 2 weeks and love the atmosphere there. I have been learning so much about how the credit line of a company functions and also have been working hard at quickly translating everything back and forth with financial balance sheets and words in programs. I basically learn a bit of something knew each day and then do things repetitively, but in a week or so I should be getting an official where I am in charge of certain specific activities and making sure that they get done. I can go to my internship anytime between 7 and 10 am and I leave by 5pm. We also take a lunch break for around 1/2 hour and many times go for a walk afterwards or take a couple coffee breaks. It's a very different work atmosphere. I still haven't found a church to go to, that is a difficult one, but I'm trusting what God is doing here, we speak a lot and, well, he's God! ya know? I really believe that He wanted me to not have internet for a couple weeks to push me to completely trust and rely on Him because my usual reaction would be to go and run to a friend to talk to them about a problem and usually not even thinking of talking to Jesus about it. I love you all and send any prayer requests my way! and this blog will be updated every couple of days now :-)

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